About Us

We met for the first time at the end of December, 2009 but we didn't start "talking" until March 2010. We went on our first date on March 8th at Ted's Cafe Escondido in Norman, OK. Kierston was living in Norman at the time and like any true gentleman Graham drove nearly an hour to pick her up for a "proper" first date.

About a week after we started dating our relationship went through its first big test, one that we are still dealing with the reprecussions of today. But because of our faith in God and each other we've grown tremendously closer over the past two years.

Recently Graham's employers bought us a house that we will be renting-to-own and for the past few months we've been in the process of fixing it up and getting it ready for Kierston to move into. Graham will move there too in the future once we're married.

Kierston decided to start this blog to document the process of the remodel and to share our lives and experiences with you. We hope you'll laugh, and maybe even cry, along with us as we turn our house into a home and discover what it means to have our hearts connected through a love that will never fail us.