I'm not really sure what's gotten into me but here lately I get these brilliant (to me) ideas and rush out to buy the supplies and get started then take a break half way through and never get them finished.
My schedule is pretty non stop all the time, a typical week for me is something like this:
Monday - Friday: work 8 -5, and every other Saturday work 9-4. Monday and Wednesday evenings I attend Celebrate Recovery at Henderson Hills Baptist Church, Monday night is big group, praise and worship and a testimony or a lesson and Wednesday is my small group class for which I have homework every week. So typically Tuesday evenings is homework time, and I'll be starting at the University of Central Oklahoma in a couple of weeks working towards my degree in Early Childhood Education. Plus my sweet boy is in the heat and air business so time for us is few and far between. Don't get me wrong, I see him most evenings (we're not married, yet..hopefully one day! lol, and we don't live together) but more often than not he works til nine or ten in the evenings and bedtime for both of us is typically no later than 11:30, so I usually wait until he comes over to cook dinner so we can eat together. In between all of that there's housework to be done, blogging to be blogged (and I don't have internet at home, so that's why there's been a lack in posting on my part), tons of projects I've started, quiet time in the Word of God, spending time with my dad, step mom, and my little brother and sister who you see in the picture with me and my sweet boy on my about me page. And my mom gave birth this weekend to the newest addition to our family..
Zaxton Michael. He's such a precious little boy. Love him!
Anyway, this post is me sincerely apologizing for any of you who I've let down with my lack of participation lately. I feel like I have no extra time for anything and it's given me a new found respect for all you momma's out there who's blogs I adore. So, please do be patient with me. I hope you know how much blogging and being involved with all of you weighs on my heart daily and as soon as I get internet at home again (which should be within the next few weeks since I'll be back to school) I'll hopefully be able to keep my blog more up-to-date and stay more in touch with all of you. Thank you to all of you who keep reading! If you'd like to hear from me or talk on a more personal or frequent level you can find my email address on my about me page at the bottom. God Bless, and I'll try to post soon!