Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Amelia Island

Hello blogland!! I've missed you so very much =) I hope everyone has had a fantastic past week or so, and I am thrilled to finally be jumping back into the blogsphere!

I thought I'd share a few of the (over 200!) pictures I took while on vacation this past week..enjoy!

This picture was taken from the back porch/dock of the house we stayed in that led you right out onto the sand dunes and to the ocean.
Pretty pretty sand dollars some of the family found on the beach.

Horseshoe crab that was right next to our deck.

We got to see a baby sea turtle hatchling make its way to the ocean on our last night there..it was an incredible once in a lifetime experience. Unfortunately you can't take pictures of them because it causes them to become disoriented and not make it to the water.

Sweet boy & I on our date night in the historic town of Fernadina Beach..from what I was told it is the second oldest town in the United States.

Amazing view of the Florida coast when some storms were over the Island.

The view of the kitchen/living/dining room of the house we stayed in. I could sure get used to waking up to that every morning and cooking dinner watching the sunset over it every evening!

Boogey boarding! I about lost my britches a few times, but it was a blast!

Beautiful sunset from the marina in downtown Fernadina Beach on the west side of the island.

At the pier.

Sunrise over the Atlantic.

An old historic church downtown, but it's kind of hard to see with that AMAZING sunset in the background!

I dunno if you can see our hand prints in this picture but I thought it was a cute idea!

Absolutely gorgeous drive on a winding road through moss covered oak trees that led you to the pier in Fort Clinch State Park.

At Fort Clinch.

The Amelia Island Light House.

On our way home.
This trip was definitely something that I can mark off my bucket list! Have a great rest of the week!


Monday, July 18, 2011

Sorry for the Delay

Hey all! I just wanted to do a quick post to apologize for my lack of posting. I was sick most of last week and since my move I don't have internet at home yet..so please forgive me!

Also, I'll be going on vacation to Florida this week (from Wednesday to Sunday) so there won't be any posts then either. I'm going to try to do a couple posts before I leave town, depending on how busy these next couple of days are.

Most of the posting I do is done while I'm at work (which is tricky..some days I'm swaped & can only get online on my lunch and some days we're slower than a turtle) but I'm going to try my hardest!

I can't wait to catch up with you all when I get back in town and see what I've missed around the blogsphere. Thank you for your patience, I hope everyone has a fantastic week!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Let's Organize: Cleaning Caddy

If you're anything like me, I'm sure you've experienced the frustration of trying to clean, only to find yourself spending more time going back and forth gathering different cleaning supplies than actually getting down to business.

For me, I used to hoard shove keep all of my cleaning tools under my kitchen sink. Most days everything was just thrown under there which caused me to have to clean that area out every.stinkin.time I was trying to clean somewhere else in my home.

Talk about frustrating.

Then I had an epiphany of sorts. What if it all had a place?! An organized, portable place so I never had to dig around for anything again.

I'm a simple girl, this truly was an epiphany. Pathetic? Possibly.

(We used a cleaning caddy at my house growing up..I'm not sure why it took me 5 years of being on my own to realize that there was a method to the madness my parents used. Don't judge me.)

So, I made a trip to Wal-Mart, a woman on a mission. Have you ever tried looking for a basket/bin of some sort at the store? It was overly frustrating.

Seriously, there were bins in the laundry section, bathroom section, home decor section, kitchen section, outdoor section...I was overwhelmed. Hey, Wal-Mart, you should try making ONE aisle for every stinkin bin in your store. It'd be a lot more handy. Just a suggestion.

I chose one from the kitchen section, it was $3 I think and definitely big enough to hold all that crap under my sink. I was kind of disappointed that I couldn't find a bin (in oh lets say just one of the 12 sections that had some) that had a carrying handle. You know, over the top of the bin.

But I'd been there long enough circulating the entire store so I gave up & settled for one without. It actually worked out well for me. But fyi, if you want one with a handle, I saw some at Target a day or two later.

Anyways, long story short, here's my cleaning caddy & what I keep in it.

I used my Cricut Expression to cut those letters on Con-Tact paper after I saw Jen's cute letters on her cleaning caddy over at I Heart Organizing. She put 'sparkle' on hers. Talk about adorable!

I decided on labeling it what we call it in my house so I can simply say to the boy "Will you bring me such and such out of the cleaning caddy?" and he has no excuse to not know what I'm talking about or where to find it.

Sneaky? Nahhh. Just clever. He can only dodge housework for so long now!

All of carpet cleaning, fabric refreshing supplies. Gotta keep up with this little booger!

Okay, sorry bout that. I just love that cutie pie so much =) Back to the caddy..

Here's all my other basic cleaning supplies with the exception of toilet bowl cleaner, I keep that under the bathroom sink. Most of the time I purchase off brand cleaners & some from the Dollar Tree. I've found that, for the most part, they work just as well. And I save a few bucks, it's a win-win.

I keep a few extra towels, latex gloves, a Mr. Clean magic eraser, extra swiffer pads, a scrub brush, and sponges in my cleaning caddy too for quick access.

And there's the top shot, it all fits in the caddy so nice & neat! Love it! And the caddy fits perfect beneath my, now organized, kitchen sink! See..

It's fabulous. Really, it is.

Do you have a cleaning caddy? If so, what do you keep in yours? If not, how do you keep your cleaning supplies organized? I'd love to know!

 This post is linked to bouffe e bambini, Delightful Order, Serenity Now - A Mommy's Solution to Staying Sane,  Sugar and Dots,  Sassy Sites,  Remodelaholic, Home Savvy A to Z & Fingerprints on the Fridge

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wall Decor Idea - I Need Your Suggestions!

So, I've got this picture in my head of a wall decor idea that I want to make to hang above my bed since my headboard is itty bitty. Anyways, heres a picture of the layout I'm going to use..

I intend to buy these 9 blank canvases at Hobby Lobby this week because they're on sale (heck yes!) and I'm going to paint them black (my master bedroom colors are black, white, & red).

Then on each one I'm going to use my cricut to cut each of the fruits of the spirit out on white vinyl & adhere them to the canvases. But here's where I'm stuck..

I want to tie red in somehow. But I want all of the letters/words on each canvas to be the same color. I'm not sure, something about the uniformity of it seems right. I've considered several different ideas for incorporating the red, but none of them fit just right for me. If you can help me out with this I'll be eternally grateful! I don't like having "creativity block" and am so ready to have my bedroom's decor finished! Thank you guys so much for your input, I can't wait to see what you come up with!!

This post is linked to: Bella Before & After, Strictly Homemade, Reasons to Skip the Housework, Tip Junkie & Not JUST a Housewife

Monday, July 11, 2011

Decluttering & Organizing the Kitchen Pantry

Is your pantry a disorganized mess?  Is it brimming with dusty spice containers and overtaken with canned vegetables that may have been purchased in 1992? Mine was!

Whatever the situation in your kitchen pantry, whipping your food closet into tip-top shape is a good idea.

Not only will having a clean pantry make you feel more inclined to cook in your kitchen, a thorough decluttering of old pantry items will also help ensure that the food you prepare tastes fresh.

Get started creating a clean, organized storage space with these kitchen pantry cleaning ideas.

Step 1:  Clear everything out

Whether your kitchen pantry consists of an entire closet or a few kitchen cabinets, the process of cleaning and organizing the pantry starts with clearing everything out.

Tackle the job one step at a time by starting on one side of your kitchen and moving cabinet by cabinet to remove all of the contents, until you reach your goal.

Use empty cardboard boxes to hold your kitchen pantry contents as you remove them from the shelves.  Try to keep like items with like so the next step in the process is easier to tackle.

Step 2:  Clean

The next step to an organized kitchen pantry is cleaning. 

With all of your food items cleared and temporarily in boxes, start wiping down all of your shelves.  Wipe down every surface from floor to ceiling, clearing away all dust, bugs, and dirt.

Finally, dust off or wipe down spice containers and cans.  (Don’t forget the bottoms of sticky jars.) 

Before you put anything back in the pantry, every item should be clean.

Step 3:  Sort

Sort through the items, and get rid of any food or spices that are past the expiration date.  (Spices don’t really spoil, though all but the most powerful spices tend to lose their flavor after about six months.)

While you’re sorting, check open containers for bugs and toss out any items that you haven’t used in years. 

If you can’t remember when you bought an open bag of flour, it’s best to throw it out and replace it.

While you’re clearing and cleaning the kitchen pantry, take time to look at your inventory.
The pantry is ideally the kitchen storage space where you stockpile a reserve of food for your family. It’s no good if you’re keeping food in there that’s going bad. Resist the urge to keep food simply because you paid for it. If a food item is past its prime, get rid of it for the sake of your family’s good health.

Do the same for any kitchen utensils, appliances, or pots and pans that are not in good shape: throw them out.

If items are still usable, but have been untouched for ages, consider donating them to a local charitable organization.

Step 4:  Organize
With your kitchen pantry clean and sparkling, it’s time to put the food, spices, and cooking utensils back inside.  Instead of just tossing everything back in there willy-nilly, it’s best to take an organized approach to refilling the pantry.

Start by keeping like items together.  Designate a shelf (or the right side of a shelf, for example) to spices.  Keep another shelf for baking supplies, canned goods, cereals, main course items — whatever categories of food you keep in your pantry. Separating food by type will help keep your pantry organized.

You may be surprised by how much room you’ve really got in your pantry after the cleaning and organizing.

If you’re still short on kitchen storage space, however, you may want to invest in such space-saving organizational tools as over-the-door spice racks, canned good risers, or plastic storage containers to make the best use of your pantry.

With a clean, organized pantry at your disposal, you can look forward to meals that will seem fresher and tastier — and cooking will be easier and faster than ever before.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Weekly Blogsphere Wrap Up

My favorite part about blogging is the inspiration & stories fellow bloggers share on their sites. Here are a few of my favorites from this week.

Seriously, this looks delish!

She rounded up some GORGEOUS spaces on this post, be sure to check it out!

I love this! And since I just got my first Cricut (last night I decided to take the Create back & went ahead and splurged on the Expression) I can't wait to try a project like this!

Thrifty Decor Chick - The Family Room (Redone)
If you haven't come across Sarah's blog you're missing out. Her writing style always has me laughing and her passion for what she does is incredibly inspiring. I spend hours browsing her blog. Frequently.

Ask Anna - Chocolate Covered Smores
What a cute & yummy summer time treat!

The Precious Little Things in Life - How to Cover Books & Print Titles
Ohhhh my. How pretty is this?! I am in L-O-V-E. I desperately need to do this to the books I have in my master bedroom (I'll be posting that before & after next week!). What a great idea!

Centsational Girl - Mini Kitchen Makeover
So beautiful! It's amazing what a coat of paint can do!

Lee La La - Secret to Mommy Hood
This post has some good pointers!

I hope you all have a blessed weekend!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

How to Declutter Your Home

First, be sure to tell yourself this: IT IS POSSIBLE TO WIN THE WAR AGAINST CLUTTER. Let that become your mantra. Repeat this over and over again. Don't question me. Just do it.

You can maintain a clutter-free home if you follow this advice. Take it from the once clutter queen. It truly is manageable. I hope this will help show you how. Read on for some tips and tricks on how to keep clutter from taking over your apartment.

Pick a Room
Where to start is often the hardest part of any cleaning endeavor. If you are a brave-hearted soul, begin in the messiest room in the apartment. More timid persons may want to start in a smaller space, like a closet. Whatever your choice, be sure you are mentally prepared to be ruthless and have assembled the proper arsenal.
Decluttering Equipment
The tools are simple. Arm yourself with garbage bags, empty boxes, magic markers and a dust rag. Now label each box with “donate”, “toss” and “keep” or whatever similar phrasing suits you.
Let the Games Begin
Your first step is getting rid of things that don’t belong in a given space. Put the ones you want in the “keep” box, and worry about where you will actually put it later. Your criteria for deciding what to do with the remaining clutter is to ask the following questions:
  • Do I love this?
  • Have I used it in the last year?
  • Do I have two?
  • Am I sentimentally attached?
  • Do I feel sad and guilty when I look at it?
Then get rid of everything in the room that doesn’t make you feel positive in some way or that you just don’t need. Either pass it on to someone else who would enjoy it, or, if it can’t be used by another, toss it!

When your garbage box is full, take it outside to the bin and bring in another. Do the same for your donations, sealing each box and taking it to your car as you work. The goal is to get the stuff you don’t want anymore out of your place.

When the “keep” box gets full, pick it up and carry it with you around the apartment, putting each item in the proper room, if not yet the perfect storage place. Go back and keep at it, taking breaks or setting a timer over several days so you don’t burn out on the big jobs.
The Daily Drill
Flylady.net offers a detailed decluttering method that works for any size household. She advocates daily 15-minute sessions, focusing on cluttered hot spots that collect items, such as entranceways, countertops, desks or catch-all dresser drawers and baskets. For serious cases, also try going through your home daily with a garbage bag and throwing away 20 items, then doing the same process with a box for donations.
There are a number of online resources to help you curb the chaos of your worldly possessions. Use the tips above, or sign up for free emails that offer advice on how to organize your home, such as CreativeOrder.com, and you’ll be sure to stay on the straight, narrow and uncluttered path to happiness.

This post is linked to Serenity Now: A Mommy's Solution to Staying Sane & Fingerprints On the Fridge


I'm giddy.

Seriously. I'm jumping up and down I'm so excited.

Look what I FINALLY purchased last night!!!!!

Yeahhhh buddy. I can't wait to use it!! But now I'm questioning whether or not I should have bought the Expression instead of the Create. Do any of you have a Cricut? If so, which one? Any suggestions, tips, or pointers you'd like to pass along? I'd love some input! If you've blogged some things you've created with your Cricut I'd love to see those too!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Weekly Blogsphere Wrap-Up

I hope everyone has had a wonderful week! Since my move I haven't had a whole lot of extra time for crafting..and it bummed me out that I wasn't able to do any 4th of July crafts, so I figured I'll feature some of my favorite USA inspired posts from around the Blogsphere this week. You all gave me some awesome inspiration for next year and I hope their creativity will inspire you too!!

Last year, Make It & Love It did a make-a-cake series and I just loved this Flag cake she made! I think I'm actually going to try to make one tomorrow, if I do, I'll be sure to post pictures. But I'm sure they won't look anywhere near as fabulous as this!

See?! So presh!!

And then, I came across A Creative Princess & the stinkin' adorable PVC Pipe Flag she made.

If you're having hosting a get together and preparing a meal, be sure to check out Life in the Dub Lane. Her collection of freedom inspired aprons are to die for!

Do you see those RUFFLES?!? sigh..I'm in love.

Yes, I am a grown up, but I think I'll be making some of these super cute Patriotic Pom Pom Sparklers to wear in my hair on the 4th. Check out My Ocean of Notions for the tutorial on hair scrunchies & rings!

Lady Behind the Curtain showed us how to make these almost too pretty to eat Firework Cupcakes..

What a fun idea!!

This project by The Happy Scraps is one I really wish I could have made this year since I finally have a mantle..I'm definitely putting this on my pinterest for next year

I love the extra touches of bows & buttons & ribbon..such a cute design!

I'm awful about only putting a wreath on my door for fall and Christmas, but this super cure firework wreath makes me want to start putting them up for every holiday. Head over to Landee See, Landee Do to see the tutorial. Very simple!!

Have a great weekend everyone! If you've got a fun project, let me know about it in my comments, I'd love to see it!