Monday, July 18, 2011

Sorry for the Delay

Hey all! I just wanted to do a quick post to apologize for my lack of posting. I was sick most of last week and since my move I don't have internet at home please forgive me!

Also, I'll be going on vacation to Florida this week (from Wednesday to Sunday) so there won't be any posts then either. I'm going to try to do a couple posts before I leave town, depending on how busy these next couple of days are.

Most of the posting I do is done while I'm at work (which is tricky..some days I'm swaped & can only get online on my lunch and some days we're slower than a turtle) but I'm going to try my hardest!

I can't wait to catch up with you all when I get back in town and see what I've missed around the blogsphere. Thank you for your patience, I hope everyone has a fantastic week!!

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