Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wall Decor Idea - I Need Your Suggestions!

So, I've got this picture in my head of a wall decor idea that I want to make to hang above my bed since my headboard is itty bitty. Anyways, heres a picture of the layout I'm going to use..

I intend to buy these 9 blank canvases at Hobby Lobby this week because they're on sale (heck yes!) and I'm going to paint them black (my master bedroom colors are black, white, & red).

Then on each one I'm going to use my cricut to cut each of the fruits of the spirit out on white vinyl & adhere them to the canvases. But here's where I'm stuck..

I want to tie red in somehow. But I want all of the letters/words on each canvas to be the same color. I'm not sure, something about the uniformity of it seems right. I've considered several different ideas for incorporating the red, but none of them fit just right for me. If you can help me out with this I'll be eternally grateful! I don't like having "creativity block" and am so ready to have my bedroom's decor finished! Thank you guys so much for your input, I can't wait to see what you come up with!!

This post is linked to: Bella Before & After, Strictly Homemade, Reasons to Skip the Housework, Tip Junkie & Not JUST a Housewife


  1. What about incorporating red ribbon somehow? Like maybe place a piece towards the bottom of the canvas or towards one side. Maybe the fruit could even overlap it or something?

  2. @ Coley - That is a great idea! I didn't even consider ribbon! I'll definitely play around with it! Thank you for your input, it's greatly appreciated! =)

  3. What about a shadow of red behind some of the words - or all of them. Or make a cute red flower to put on a few or some buttons or some other little embellishment.

  4. @ Kimberly - I was thinking about shadowing them! I'm still trying to figure out exactly what font cartridge I'm going to use (I only have 2! lol) but I think that'll contribute to whether or not the shadowing looks good. But I'm going to play around with that too! Thank you so much Kimberly!!

  5. Hmm... what if you found some inexpensive fabric that was mostly black but had some red in it and covered your canvases with that instead of painting it? Then you could adhere your words on top of the fabric. Or - I know! - you could paint the outside edge of each canvas red (or do the ribbon suggestion), so when they're all grouped together, it looks like the piece has a red border. What do you think? Just my two cents.


  6. I would go with the painting black. Let it dry, then lightly brush some red over top, either all over or just certain spots. Or you could rotate painting the canvas's black & red? Good luck hun!

  7. How about adding ribbon around the outside of the canvas. I am betting the depth of the canvas is 1/2" so find red ribbon 1/2" wide and wrap all of them. I think that would be pretty dramatic!

    Thanks so much for linking up to Strictly Homemade Tuesday! Have a blessed day!
